The U.S. Agency for International Development launched the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) at a ceremony organized today.
Gender Responsive Budgeting was launched at an event organized by USAID in partnership with the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN). The initiative will institutionalize Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) within the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.
Gender Responsive Budgeting will help Kosovo’s government to reduce inequalities and address gender gaps in government policies, plans, and budgets. Apart from planning, GRB interventions will assist better-use of existing funds.
Prishtine, 10 Dhjetor — Sot, në Ditën Ndërkombëtare të të Drejtave të Njeriut, Ambasadori i SHBA-ve në Prishtinë Greg Delavi, i shoqëruar nga Shkëlqësia e Saj Presidentja Atifete Jahjaga, Drejtori i Misionit të USAID-it Xhejms Houp dhe Ministri i Drejtësisë Hajredin Kuçi, morrën pjesë në ceremonin e lancimit të fushatës nacionale për të përkrahur të drejtat e grave në pronë.
Pristina, December 10 - Today, on International Human Rights Day, the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Greg Delawie, joined by H.E. President Atifete Jahjaga, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director James Hope and Minister of Justice Hajredin Kuçi, participated in the launch of a national campaign to support women’s rights to property.
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