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Transformational Leadership Program –  Scholarships and Partnerships
August 1, 2016

The Scholarships and Partnerships component of the Transformational Leadership Program aims to develop the capacity of Kosovars to bring about transformational change in Kosovo through opportunities for advanced education, leadership development, and technical assistance. This will be accomplished through university scholarships, partnerships, and student and faculty exchanges.

Partnerships for Development
August 1, 2016

USAID’s Partnership for Development program aims to enhance the enabling environment for Kosovo’s private sector to expand employment opportunities for the country’s citizens. The program works in partnership with the government and other partners to support Kosovo’s vision for economic growth by strengthening its institutions.

Buy-ins to Energy Cooperative Agreements
August 1, 2016

USAID/Kosovo has a buy-in to a Washington-held Cooperative Agreement (CA) with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) to support the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) in Kosovo. This support takes place through partnership and peer-to-peer exchanges between ERO and U.S. regulatory commissions with the objective of facilitating the exchange of information, data, and best practices among regulators.

August 1, 2016

USAID developed a loan portfolio guarantee to increase access to finance for Kosovo’s micro, small, and medium enterprises in agricultural value chains, as well as business startups in all sectors.  These guarantees give banks the incentive to lend to business startups and agribusinesses, especially young entrepreneurs and farmers, who would otherwise find it difficult or impossible to obtain financing, in order to demonstrate the potential profitability in these sectors.  USAID is also working to assist Kosovo’s financial sector to introduce new products tailored to meet the specific needs of start-ups and agricultural businesses.

EMPOWER - Private Sector Support
August 1, 2016

EMPOWER Private Sector Support aims to increase competitiveness in growth-ready sectors and facilitate inclusive job creation, while also developing the capacity of local service providers to support the Kosovo private sector and respond to USAID contractor requirements. 
