Flag of Kyrgyz Republic


Language: English | Kyrgyz | Russian
September 23, 2014

Seminar to review the results of the 2012 Kyrgyz Republic Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) took place in in Bishkek on September 23, 2014.  Experts from the National Statistical Committee and the Ministry of Health discussed DHS and other national findings in four areas - children’s nutrition, women’s nutrition, adult health, and domestic violence - and proposed policy changes and new programs to address these challenges.

September 19, 2014
On September 19 at 9:30 a.m., representatives from the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic will join a round table discussion on the results of a pilot initiative on ambulatory treatment of tuberculosis (TB) coordinated by the USAID-funded Quality Health Care Project (QHCP).  The discussion will highlight significant improvements in TB care brought forth by new diagnostic technology, and a shift away from mandatory hospitalization that will lower costs, reduce transmission rates, and improve patient comfort.  The round table will take part in the Issyk-Ata Family Medicine center (FMC) in Kant city.
September 17, 2014

On September 17, 2014, the AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) and USAID launched the HIV React Project in Bishkek.  The HIV React Project is a two-year regional program that seeks to expand the services available to strengthen prison-based HIV prevention, treatment, and care services, with a special focus on people who use intravenous drugs and those living with HIV in detainment settings.  The project will use a well-tested model of support for prisoners before and after release, which will serve as a bridge from prison to society and minimize the risks of contracting HIV.

September 15, 2014

On September 18, 2014, the USAID Kyrgyz Agro-Input Enterprise Development Project (KAED) will host a close out ceremony to highlight achievements in the Kyrgyz Republic’s agricultural sector since the project began in 2001.  With the goal of improving food security for the country, the project has helped tens of thousands of Kyrgyz farmers increase yields of wheat and other vital food crops, as well as the quantity and quality of animal feed for the production of milk, eggs, and meat.  

September 2, 2014

The International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP) program in the Kyrgyz Republic is funded by the USAID Office of Food for Peace. The IFRP strives to reduce food insecurity among the most vulnerable groups, including children, women, patients with TB and mental diseases, people with disabilities, elderly citizens and orphans. 
