Flag of Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyz Republic

Language: English | Kyrgyz | Russian
  • Karakol River Park Will Improve Tourism Experience

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The first water runs through this channel in a decade.
How a Kyrgyz City Got Its Irrigation Water Back
SPRING project is working with the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health to help 27 health facilities achieve the “Baby-Friendly Hospital” designation.
Helping Kyrgyz Hospitals Become Baby-Friendly
Cows that were producing 9 liters of milk are now producing up to 17 liters
U.S. Livestock Expert Helps Kyrgyz Farmers Boost Milk Production

About Kyrgyz Republic

The Kyrgyz Republic is the only freely elected parliamentary democracy in post-Soviet Central Asia. As such, in support of long-term stability and prosperity, the United States focuses on consolidating, sustaining and strengthening the country’s hard-won democratic gains while promoting economic progress, strengthened public services and stronger ties across the region.

USAID works with the Kyrgyz Republic to build on progress in democratic governance by partnering with institutions, promoting civic engagement, improving delivery of public services and expanding economic opportunity. USAID in the Kyrgyz Republic also works with the regional USAID Mission to Central Asia to advance the U.S. Government’s New Silk Road initiative, which increases connections between Central and South Asia — including Afghanistan — to foster greater stability and prosperity across the region.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Kimberly Rosen, Mission Director
USAID/Kyrgyz Republic
171 Prospekt Mira
Postal Code - M 
+996 (312) 597000
+996 (312) 597744

USAID Contact

Kyung (KC) Choe, Deputy Director, Office of South and Central Asia Affairs
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC 
United States of America
+1 202 712 4550