USAID’s FY 2014 – FY 2018 Strategy is designed to support the achievement of the USG’s central foreign policy objective of peace and stability in the Balkans. In order for Kosovo to become a successful nation, it will have to build the capacity of its governing institutions, strengthen its economy, and improve the education and skills of its citizens. Only by achieving these interconnected objectives will Kosovo be able to integrate into Western European and Trans-Atlantic structures, while ensuring prosperity and stability at home for all of its people.
Some 15,100 residents of Malisheva town and surrounding villages will have potable drinking water running through their taps as of June 18, 2013. USAID through its activities has assisted rehabilitation of the pump station in Baje village thus supplying the town and surrounding villages with quality drinking water.
Youth activists, members of youth forums, of different political parties, who led four advocacy campaigns using news social media, were presented with certificates for their innovation, leadership and work done by USAID.
Twenty-five activists were awarded certificates at the ceremony held on June 26, 2013. Minister of Health, Ferid Agani, Minister of Diaspora, Ibrahim Makolli, representatives from political parties and civil society were present at the ceremony.
The last of 24 Professional Development Centers (PDC) opened in Junik on June 20. Maureen A. Shauket, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director and Agron Kuçi, Mayor of Junik unveiled the official plaque of this center for teachers in Junik.
Facebook is helping the University of Prishtina (UP) move towards transparency and modernization. An initiative to collect ideas that can be implemented within 30 days has gathered some 60,000 viewers and some 200 recommendations related to improving the way the University communicates.
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