Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Avgust 2016 — Uprkos početnom uspehu sa uzgojem malina, Baškim i Florija Ćerimi, bili su oprezni na početku.
2015te g., tokom izuzetno plodne prve sezone, oni su prodali šest tona malina, ostvarujući prihod od oko 12,400 $. Za drugu sezonu, par je brzo proširio svoju površinu za više od četiri puta, na 3,2 akra. Kao rezultat toga, oni danas očekuju veću berbu – i veću dobit.
“Prve sezone sam se bojao da napustim posao građevinskog radnika. U toj prvoj godini, Florija je upravljala čitavim poslom sadnje malina na 0.3 hektara (0,74 akra),” kaže Baškim Ćerimi.
Gusht 2016 — Pavarësisht suksesit të hershëm në kultivimin e mjedrave, Bashkim dhe Florije Qerimi zhvilluan me kujdes biznesin e tyre të sapo themeluar.
Në vitin 2015, gjatë një sezoni të parë jashtëzakonisht të frytshëm, ata kanë shitur gjashtë ton mjedra, duke gjeneruar të ardhura prej 12,400 $. Në sezonin e tyre të dytë, çifti e zgjeroi shpejt fermën e tyre me më shumë se katërfish, deri në 1.3 hektar. Si rezultat i kësaj, ata tani janë duke pritur prodhim më të lartë — dhe fitime më të mëdha.
At Lane kindergarten in Kosovo’s municipality of Zvečan/Zveçan, 330 children learn, play together, and explore their world with energy and curiosity. Despite an excellent learning environment, Lane faced threats of closure last year following a kitchen health inspection. The kitchen simply did not meet minimum food safety standards.
When Hieu Trinh Thi married five years ago, she knew that her husband Truong might be HIV positive since he had been an intravenous drug user in the past. In Hai Phong, Vietnam, where the couple lives, 44 percent of people who inject drugs are infected with the virus.
In 2015, during an overwhelmingly fruitful first season, they sold 6 tons of raspberries, generating an income of about $12,400. For their second season, the couple quickly expanded their farm by more than fourfold, to 3.2 acres. As a result, they now expect to bring in a larger harvest—and greater profit.
Three years later, Gombi and communities like it in northern Adamawa state remain devastated. All that’s left of Aisha’s house is a charred heap of collapsed concrete and corrugated tin. Any food is long gone. Farm fields are strewn with debris, and farmers have been left without supplies and equipment.
Access to safe drinking water is critical to a community’s health and livelihood. But in rural Ethiopia, many communities lack such access. Even reaching a source of water can take several hours on foot. And these distant water sources often have to be shared with livestock, resulting in unsafe water.
ერაბ შავაძე და მისი ვაჟი, გიორგი სამხრეთ ოსეთთან, საზღვრისპირას მდებარე სოფელში ცხოვრობენ. იქ, სადაც საქართველოს უახლოეს ისტორიაში მოსახლეობამ ყველაზე მეტი დარტყმა განიცადა. რუსეთთან 2008 წლის ომის შედეგად ხალხმა იძულებით დატოვა სახლები, გაიყო ოჯახები, მეზობლები და შეფერხდა ეკონომიკური განვითარება. დღეისათვის, საქართველოს ტერიტორიის 20% ოკუპირებულია რუსეთის მიერ და მძიმეა მათი ყოფა, ვინც სამხრეთ ოსეთთან და აფხაზეთთან მდებარე ადმინისტრაციულ ხაზთან ცხოვრობს.
Vira Varyga, an HIV activist in Ukraine, is also a trainer and facilitator at Kyianka+, a self-support and empowerment group for HIV-positive women. She is also HIV-positive, and the associated feelings of stigma and discrimination are familiar to her.
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