USAID’s “Oro Legal” Program is a bold responds to the growing social conflict, environmental impact and governance challenges arising from the gold mining boom in Colombia.
USAID announces an additional $14 million for the Hurricane Matthew response. USAID partners conduct a joint distribution in Grand’Anse, reaching more than 550 households on October 19. An additional 470 rolls of USAID/OFDA plastic sheeting arrive in Haiti’s capital city of Port-au-Prince. JTF Matthew concludes hurricane relief operations in Haiti.
In recent years the landscape of violent extremism in West Africa has grown increasingly fractured and complex. Boko Haram has devastated livelihoods in the Lake Chad Basin. Conflict in northern Mali appears increasingly intractable, allowing violent extremist groups to operate with relative impunity and carry out attacks throughout the region.
Проект направлен на продвижение демократии в Кыргызской Республике путем свободных, справедливых и прозрачных выборов в местные кенеши 2016 года и президентских выборов в 2017 году; также путем обеспечения комплексного мониторинга работы Парламента Кыргызской Республики.
Бул долбоор 2016-жылы жергиликтүү кеңештердин депутаттарын шайлоону жана 2017-жылы президенттик шайлоону эркин, адилеттүү жана ачык-айкын шайлоо жолу аркылуу; ошондой эле, Кыргыз Республикасынын Парламентин комплекстүү мониторинг менен камсыз кылуу жолу менен Кыргыз Республикасында демократияны илгерилетүүгө багытталган.
The project is aimed at advancing democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic through free, fair and transparent 2016 local council and 2017 presidential elections; and providing comprehensive monitoring of the Kyrgyz Parliament.
Increased road access and logistics capacity enable relief agencies to reach more hurricane-affected populations. USAID food and relief commodity distributions continue as GoH and UN estimate 806,000 people in urgent need of food assistance in Haiti. CDC works to re-establish cholera surveillance system; UN presents new cholera approach.
PEER is an international program that funds scientists and engineers in developing countries who partner with U.S. government-funded researchers to address global development challenges. The PEER program is supported by the U.S. Global Development Lab at USAID and implemented by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. The PEER program directly supports scientists in USAID-presence countries through institutional research awards ranging up to $300,000.
USG announces more than $364 million in new humanitarian funding for Syria and neighboring countries. SARG and GoRF resume airstrikes on September 19 following dissolution of new CoH agreement. UN officially designates eastern Aleppo city as a besieged location; humanitarian conditions deteriorate significantly. Airstrikes on UN humanitarian convoy in Big Orem, Aleppo, kills multiple aid workers.
USAID announces more than $12 million in additional funding. Government of Haiti (GoH) and other relief actors implement WASH activities and restore health care services in Haiti. Relief actors continue to distribute USAID/OFDA relief supplies in Grand’Anse and Sud.
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