Fact Sheets

The purpose of the Liberia Administrative and Systems Strengthening program is to work with the National Elections Commission (NEC) to develop and build sustainable and relevant institutional changes in response to the NEC’s specific needs. LASS will support the NEC in its efforts to strengthen its managerial and administrative capabilities, systems, policies and procedures, using the Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach.  The ultimate goal is to help the NEC put in place strong systems to better achieve its core mandate of planning and conducting elections.

The Carter Center’s (TCC) Access to Justice Program seeks to strengthen access to justice for historically marginalized rural citizens with the goal of creating a functional and responsive justice system consistent with local needs, practices, and human rights standards.

Долбоор мамлекеттик башкарууну жакшыртуу максатында, жарандык жактан маанилүү маалыматка жарандар үчүн жол ачууга көмөктөшөт.

Проект USAID Флагман по ВИЧ в Центральной Азии разработан с целью уменьшения новых случаев ВИЧ-инфицирования и смертельных случаев, связанных с ВИЧ, в пяти странах Центральной Азии. Проект увеличит использование высококачественных услуг по профилактике, диагностике, лечению ВИЧ и уходу за ВИЧ-пациентами со стороны Целевых групп населения, к которым относятся потребители инъекционных наркотиков и люди, живущие с ВИЧ.

USAIDдин Борбордук Азиядагы АИВ боюнча флагман долбоору АИВдин жаңы учурларын жана АИВге байланыштуу өлүм учурларын азайтуу максатында иштейт. Долбоор АИВдин алдын алуу, диагноз коюу, дарылоо жана камкордук боюнча жогорку сапаттуу кызматтарга ийне сайынган баңги колдонуучулар жана АИВ менен жашаган адамдар сыяктуу калктын максаттуу топторуна жол ачат.

The project is designed to reduce new HIV infections and HIV-related deaths in Central Asian countries. It will increase the use of high-quality HIV prevention, testing, treatment, adherence and care services by key populations including People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) and People Living with HIV (PLHIV).

USAID/Liberia works to help Liberia build the institutions essential  to consolidating its democratic gains by providing support for, among other things, the transparent and accountable management of public resources,  civil service reforms,  free and fair elections, the rule of law, domestic resource mobilization, decentralization, stronger civil society organizations, and a more professional media sector.

Building on over a decade of partnership and collaboration with the Government of Liberia, USAID/Liberia’s health program seeks to improve the health status of all Liberians, especially the most vulnerable: women, girls, newborns and children under the age of five.  USAID pursues this goal through interventions that support the GOL’s Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia 2015-2021.

The Liberian education system is emerging from a prolonged and brutally destructive period of civil unrest. Long standing impacts from the war, compounded by the recent school closure due to the Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) outbreak continue to take a toll on the fragile education system. Liberia is significantly behind most other African countries in nearly all education statistics.

Le sud de Madagascar fait face à une sécheresse prolongée, aggravée par les effets du changement climatique et le phénomène El Niño depuis 2013. Les Etats-Unis sont particulièrement préoccupés par le niveau alarmant de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le sud du pays où 900.000 personnes ont besoin d’une aide alimentaire d’urgence. Le gouvernement américain redouble d’effort au moment où les besoins continuent de s’accentuer pendant la saison maigre jusqu’au début de l’année prochaine.
