Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Aktivistët kosovar janë duke marrë ndihmë të çmueshme për të bërë ndryshime në vendin e tyre dhe për të nxitur pjesëmarrjen e qytetarëve në procesin demokratik.
Uprkos snažnom rastu na polju informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT) širom sveta, mnoge kompanije u Srbiji sporo usvajaju IKT rešenja u svom poslovanju i prodaji.
Оксана Юринець, одна з двох жінок, обраних до Верховної Ради України в одномандатному виборчому окрузі під час виборів в 2014 році.
Kosovo activists are getting valuable assistance to effect change in their country and promote citizen participation in the democratic process
Për herë të parë pas 20 vitesh, u riparua një rrugë e cila kalon nëpër fshatin Banjskë, në pjesën veripërendimore të Kosovës, duke u mundësuar kështu komuniteteve të fshatit, atij shqiptar dhe serb, që të afrohen në mes veti.
Po prvi put u 20 godina, put koji prolazi kroz selo Banjska na severozapadu Kosova je popravljen, omogućavajući seoskim zajednicama kosovskih Albanaca i Srba međusobno približavanje.
It was pitch black outside when Sana-ul-Haq began his work day at 3.00 am. Most of the village was still sound asleep as he got dressed and headed over to the nearby brick kiln, where he worked with his father and siblings.
Matiullah, who lives in western Kandahar, started his life with what many deem a severe strike against any chance of success: a congenitally disabled left leg. Matiullah’s youth was dogged by poverty at a very young age, he began working in the poppy fields as lancer to help his family earn enough to survive. The money he earned was never enough but he had no other choice because of his leg.
Their yogurt is tangy, their buttermilk is thick, and their cream is the perfect addition to an early morning caffeine fix. Tala Dairy Production Company, founded in 2012 by a group of ambitious and experienced entrepreneurs, aimed to offer home delivery service of dairy products to Kabul residents. But acheiving the globally-respected standards they aimed for - which required obtaining modern machinery and meeting international production requirements - proved difficult.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.