Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Korrik 2016 - Përderisa ndërtimi i hovshëm pas luftës në Kosovë ndihmoi në ngritjen e urbanizimit, gjithashtu ka rezultuar me shumë ndërtesa të bëra pa leje. Kjo ka komprometuar tregun e pronave dhe ka ndikuar në posedim të pasigurt të pronës sepse ndërtesat pa leje nuk mund të regjistrohen në kadastër ose në mënyrë të ligjshme të transferohen, shfrytëzohen ose të përdoren si kolateral.

Jul. 2016. god. - Dok je ubrzana izgradnja nakon rata na Kosovu pomogla u povećanju urbanizacije, ona je takođe rezultovala sa mnogim ygradama koje su izgrađene bez dozvole. Ovo je iskompromitovalo tržište nekretnina i doprinelo nesigurnom posedovanju nekretnina jer se objekti bez dozvole ne mogu upisati u katastar ili na zakonit način preneti, koristiti ili zadužiti.

Dieula Rosembert, a grandmother of five, has been selling cacao for as long as she can remember. But the middlemen in Haiti who bought her cacao paid her so little “you could not even buy a loaf of bread with the money!” she exclaimed.  

When Rebecca Ledwaba first started working as a counselor at the Khaya Center south of Johannesburg, she was embarrassed to talk with teenagers about sex, condoms, their personal choices and finances. She thought abstinence was the only solution, and couldn’t see how financial literacy could help.

One of the greatest challenges facing the manufacturing sector in East Amman today is the retention of a talented, skilled workforce. Newly hired employees often arrive at the first day of work without the skills necessary to complete the three-month trial period for their employment, leading to increased hiring costs and declining productivity in companies.

Pristine mountains, breathtaking scenery and beautiful nature wherever you look. That’s what the north of Jordan is all about. But the problem is that most people are completely unaware of the hidden gems that we have out there, and therefore never visit,” says Ala Daibes, founder of the North Jordan Mountain Bike Center.

Potholes and rough roads can take their toll on cars and trucks, especially when they are used multiple times a day. Abdullah Sharari has worked in the tire maintenance industry for over 30 years and knows the industry like the back of his hand.

Rexhep Kameraj, Leonora Javori, Blerona Tmava, and Afrim Berisha are all “super changers,” or some of the most engaged participants on the online platform Fole n’Fole (Speak in the Nest). There, young people are free to post articles and discuss their opinions on politics and other social topics such as opportunities at school and university. There are over 600 active members on the site, with posts and debates happening regularly.

August 2016—While rapid construction after the war in Kosovo supported increased urbanization, it also resulted in many buildings that were built without a permit. This compromised the property market and contributed to insecure property tenure because unpermitted buildings cannot be registered in the cadastre or lawfully transferred, occupied or encumbered.
