Honduras’s lack of effective citizen participation and governmental and non-governmental oversight mechanisms contributes to poor allocation and management of public funds and increased opportunities for officials to use their positions for private gain. In addition, recent national corruption scandals and increased citizen mobilization demanding the Government to implement anti-corruption measures have put these issues at the forefront of the national agenda.
USAID’s investments to support anti-corruption and transparency are based on a two-pronged approach. USAID helps strengthen national-level public administration and institutions to improve budget transparency and accountability. In addition, USAID supports support civil society organizations to do evidence-based advocacy and oversight.
National level investments will complement other municipal and local level investments that support increased capacity for auditing and oversight of public policies and programs. This is particularly relevant to improving the transparency of the security and justice sector and the management of public funds for social programs. For example, investments at the municipal level Western Honduras to strengthen public financial management systems, impact resource allocation and spending for nutrition and education services; which are also being supported with USAID funding.
Through these investments, USAID is strengthening democratic institutions, rule of law, and citizen participation in local and national government; broadening the participation of traditionally marginalized groups; reinforcing support for democracy; and leveraging efforts to improve community responses to citizen and food security.
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