Map of Ethiopia


October 4, 2015

Members of the Impact Angel Network (IAN) and another U.S. investment group recently signed an agreement to invest into a sesame company based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The investors anticipate that over the next five years, the company will support more than 10,000 small farmers, strengthen the sesame industry in Ethiopia, generate $32 million in export sales and create more than 60 jobs in the manufacturing sector.

Learning is Fun: Through USAID's Transforming Education for Adults and Children in the Hinterlands project, more than 1.5 millio
September 30, 2015

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -- The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), marked the culmination of its Transforming Education for Adults and Children in the Hinterlands project. The closing event recognized the many accomplishments of the project over the last ten years, including the construction of more than 850 alternative basic education centers in the most remote communities in Ethiopia.

One of the eight grantees explains how the new equipment will help expand his dairy business.
September 21, 2015

Bishoftu, Ethiopia – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through its Livestock Market Development activity, today held an equipment handover ceremony for eight grantees operating in the Amhara, Oromia and SNNP regions. The grantees come from diversified areas of the livestock sector including artificial insemination, dairy and feed production, and meat processing. These eight grants will encourage local Ethiopian investment and innovation in the livestock sector.

September 17, 2015

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) today transferred its successful In-School Youth HIV Prevention Program to the Ministry of Education. Through the program, people in high schools, colleges and universities received peer education, life-skills training, mentorship, school/campus-wide events and social media HIV interventions to reduce new infections. Because there is a great need for continued HIV prevention interventions for young people in the school system, the Ministry of Education and regional education bureaus will expand the program activities into other schools where the program was not implemented.

Mantegbosh, a coffee grower from the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, is a Women in Agribusiness Leadership N
September 8, 2015

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) today launched the second round of business and leadership training for 120 women participants from the Women in Agribusiness Leadership Network. Through the training, participants will build skills in business planning, management and marketing, while developing leadership skills that will enable growth in their businesses.
