Agriculture and Food Security
Ethiopia’s economy is dependent on agriculture, and the country’s rapidly growing population underscores the need for sustainable and high-quality access to food. Through the U.S. Government's Feed the Future initiative, we enhance food security, increase agricultural productivity, and promote resilience, especially among vulnerable populations.
Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
We improve public access to and confidence in the legal system by providing continuing education to the judiciary on legal principles, including human rights. We also promote and work to strengthen local organizations as key partners to increase transparency and good governance.
Economic Growth and Trade
State dominance over the economy severely limits access to credit, private land ownership, and agricultural inputs. We work to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises and smallholder farms, providing access to credit and technical support.
For more than 15 years, we have addressed a variety of needs related to education access, equity, quality, and relevance. We are on track to improve the reading abilities of 15 million primary school children in Ethiopia.
By incorporating environmental issues into its efforts within Ethiopia, we strive to develop initiatives that make improvements across sectors and promote sustainable development. Our programs also support biodiversity conservation in some of the remaining natural forests and the revitalization of rangeland productivity in pastoral areas.
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
We promote gender equality via equal access to economic opportunities and education while supporting the health of women and their families, which allows for more equitable participation in society. In addition, we are addressing the root causes of domestic violence, child marriage, and female genital mutilation as well as supporting legislation designed to prevent gender-based violence.
Global Health
Despite major improvements in the health system over the last decade, high rates of disease and death still exist. Our integrated program improves overall health, treatment of infectious diseases, access to clean water, and the nutritional status of targeted communities.
Our integrated multi-sectoral nutrition program focuses on nutrition sensitive and nutrition specific interventions to reduce stunting. Working through our Feed The Future and health partners, the program supports the Government of Ethiopia's National Nutrition Program.
The primary goal of all our water-related projects is to save lives and advance development through improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene programs and through sound management and use of water for food security.
Working in Crises, Conflict, and Resilience
We support government and civil society interaction to improve conflict management policies and practices at the local, regional, and national levels. We continue to collaborate with various partners to respond to disasters in a timely manner and increase the resilience of vulnerable populations.
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