Investing for Impact

The landscape of global development finance is changing. Official development assistance is no longer the dominant source of capital in many of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) priority countries, yet it remains vital to support their advancement. Investing for Impact examines trends in development finance and highlights ways in which USAID is leveraging private investment and applying non-traditional approaches to finance the achievement of our goals in global health.

This interactive report is designed to be an educational resource for USAID staff and development practitioners interested in learning more about recent trends and non-traditional approaches to financing global health.

Investing for Impact:

  • Provides a high-level summary of trends in global health financing over the past two decades
  • Identifies the implications of these trends and highlights opportunities in the new landscape of global health financing
  • Features examples of how USAID is applying non-traditional approaches to financing global health and includes supplementary information on eight illustrative financing tools being utilized across the Agency


Cover of Investing for Impact

[PDF, 5.0MB]