The new law on public participation, which entered into force in June 2014, opened up new avenues for increased engagement by civil society organizations (CSOs) and other interested actors in policy-making and implementation in Azerbaijan.
Nearly 80 participants, including Members of Parliament, Heads of local Executive Committees from the Ganja-Gazakh economic region, municipal officials, local civil society organizations and international experts participated in the “Public Participation in Azerbaijan: International and National Best Practices” National Conference held in Ganja today.
Today, nearly 60 representatives of various state agencies, municipalities, civil society and media participated in the “Women’s Leadership in Local Self-Governance” Conference. The conference was organized by the USAID-supported Women’s Participation Program in partnership with the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs of Azerbaijan and with technical support from the National Association of City and District Municipalities.
Through the USAID-funded Women’s Participation Program, Counterpart International arranged a study tour for Azerbaijani women social workers from the State Committee for Family, Women and Children’s Affairs to Ankara, Turkey on June 16-23, 2014. The seven-day study tour provided a unique opportunity for an educational work exchange for seven Azerbaijani participants to interact with their Turkish colleagues to improve care and rehabilitation services to women victims of domestic violence.
Azerbaijan declared its independence from the Soviet Union in August of 1991. At the crossroads of the Middle East, Central Asia and Europe, Azerbaijan is bordered by the Caspian Sea and Caucasus Mountains, which span Asia and Europe. It is a secular state with a Muslim-majority population and strong traditions of religious tolerance.
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