Yemeni Women Launch Emtinan's List

For Immediate Release

Thursday, March 13, 2014
American Embassy Public Affairs Office Sana’a, Yemen

SANA’A – Promoting civic participation among women got a boost this week with the launch of a new social media tool.  With the assistance of the United States Government (USG), Yemeni women launched their own “Emtinan’s List,” modeled after the iconic “Emily’s List” in the U.S., to provide ongoing consultative support to women candidates and political campaigns.  The launch of Emtinan’s List culminates a week-long Women’s Leadership Program (WLP) implemented by the USG’s U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and USAID partner the National Democratic Institute (NDI). 

Emtinan’s List is part of a broader effort to increase Yemeni citizen engagement in and understanding of processes related to Yemen’s ongoing political transition by providing women with additional tools and individualized support tailored to candidates’ unique challenges within their parties and the newly proposed electoral system. 

According to USAID Mission Director Herbert Smith, who attended the Emtinan’s List launch, “Citizen’s attitudes towards women’s participation are changing and if women are to take advantage of these opportunities, they need to position themselves to take advantage of these shifting attitudes.  Theses changing attitudes provide a window of opportunity for women to make the transition from the activist roles that they have done so successfully, into leadership roles.  That’s why USAID is happy to support women’s programs in Yemen.”

More than 100 women throughout Yemen participated in WLP, which is designed to address the needs and challenges of individual female candidates on such skills as candidate nomination procedures, overcoming cultural challenges facing women candidates and introduction to campaign tools and tactics.  USAID, through NDI, plans to implement a second week-long leadership academy focused on equipping women with the advanced skills and experience needed to run and manage effective campaigns.