Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Until recently, Maroof* wasn’t able to grow his metalworking business because the shop, in Shibirghan in the northern Afghan province of Jawzjan, could not keep up with the competition. Its production capacity was limited and so were the tools used to make the doors, window frames, fencing and corrugated steel panels that were in demand.

Summer temperatures can soar to 109 F in Qala-i-Naw, capital of Afghanistan’s northwestern province of Badghis. The power supply is erratic and most households don’t have refrigerators, which can be a problem—as well as a business opportunity.

Viktor* is a 44-year-old drug addict from Ukraine with a long history of injection drug use punctuated by a series of prison sentences.

A remarkable thing happened to Gideon Charles, 14, in January. For the first time, he went to Mapinduzi primary school in Tanzania, where he was enrolled in standard one, or first grade. At his age, his peers are enrolled in standard five or six, yet Gideon was proud.

In Tanzania, low-income families typically have limited access to healthy foods. This impacts their ability to make good nutritional choices and can result in malnutrition.

Farmers across coastal delta communities in the Lower Mekong Basin are experiencing firsthand the negative effects of climate change. Rainfall in the area has become more and more irregular, ruining crops and threatening livelihoods.

The growth of small businesses is essential for Haiti’s economic development, but few financial services exist to help connect them with needed credit, preventing many would-be business owners from ever realizing their aspirations.

В начале 2014 года проект ЮСАИД «Читаем вместе» разработал Базовые национальные требования к чтению.  В апреле 2014 года ЮСАИД провело Оценку навыков чтения учащихся начальных классов (ОЧНК) в 130 школах Кыргызской Республики. Результаты ОЧНК показали, что только 26% преподавателей используют эффективные и инновационные методы обучения чтению.  Было также выявлено, что всего 10 % учеников 1 и 2 классов и 1 % учеников 4 класса соответствуют  Базовым национальным требованиям к чтению. Эти факты заставляют задуматься, особенно потому, что слабость навыков чтения отрицательно сказывается на успеваемости школьников по всем остальным предметам и существенно ограничивает их возможность получения новых знаний.  


Climate change is a serious threat to food security and agriculture in Vietnam. Nearly 1.1 million hectares, or 70 percent of the country’s total cultivable land, is threatened by a sea level rise of just 1 meter.
