Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Life in southern Syria is not easy. Four years into an ongoing conflict, families struggle every day just to put food on their tables. Village stores have difficulty keeping commodities on the shelves since transportation routes are often disrupted. Even if there is food in stores, families have little money to pay for food.

Today, USAID-funded flour supports more than 230 bakeries across six governorates in Syria, helping them to operate, as well as enabling warehouse workers who collect and distribute bags of flour to continue earning an income.

Uzgoj maline je brzorastuć i unosan posao na Kosovu. Ovo je vrlo dobra vest u zemlji koja ima najvišu stopu nezaposlenosti i jednu od najnižih stopa izvoza u Evropi.

Kultivimi i mjedrës është një biznes fitimprurës dhe që po merr hov në Kosovë. Ky është një lajm shumë i mirë në një vend që ka papunësinë më të lartë dhe një nga normat më të ulëta të eksporteve në Evropë.

South Sudan’s dwindling elephant population—there are only an estimated 2,500 remaining—is under threat from poachers who illegally sell their ivory tusks. Their precarious survival is threatened even more by conflict and lack of government resources.

The citizens of Timbuktu, a region in northern Mali, experienced a large number of abuses during the country’s 2012 conflict, including rape and assault. Now victims of human rights abuses are attending psychosocial counseling as they move along the path to recovery.

Raspberry cultivation is a fast growing and lucrative business in Kosovo. This is very good news in a country that has one of the highest unemployment rates and one of the lowest rates of exports in Europe.

For decades, elected officials in Mali would finish their terms without accounting for their actions to their constituents. Following the 2012 political crisis in Mali, the citizenry, elected officials and civil society recognized that this had to change.

Uoči izbora za Narodnu skupštinu u junu 2014. godine, USAID je, kroz svoj projekat Povećanje uključenosti i ublažavanje nasilja u izbornim procesima, rasporedio na terenu 230 OSI kako bi pratili pristup svim aspektima izbornog procesa. To je uključivalo ne samo glasanje na dan izbora, koje je samo po sebi bilo podvig, već jedan program koji predstavlja kamen međaš – prvi svoje vrste u svetu – u okviru kojeg se vrši nadgledanje prethodne političke kampanje. Projekat se realizuje u partnerstvu sa Međunarodnom fondacijom za izborne sisteme i dve lokalne organizacije, HandiKOS i Kosovski demokratski institut.   
