Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Ukrainian parents are connecting with each other and proving that, when it comes to improving access to education for children with disabilities, there is strength in numbers.

Участие молодежи в политической жизни страны всегда было низким. Однако, несмотря на невысокий уровень проникновения интернета в Кыргызстане, молодежь очень активна в социальных сетях через мобильную связь. Можно ли превратить такую виртуальную активность в реальные действия на избирательных участках?

«Да, у меня только один голос, но есть тысяча других людей, таких же как я. И если мы соберемся все вместе, каждый голос будет важным и будет учитываться при подсчете окончательного результата голосования», - говорит Жылдыз Сураналиева в своей публикации на Фейсбуке.

While youth political participation in Kyrgyzstan has been historically low, Kyrgyz youth are active on social media, often accessing it via mobile networks that cover most of the country. Could a campaign to turn online activity into real-life activity at the polling stations make a difference in voter turnout?

Mozambique’s young democracy needs its citizens to be better informed about issues like the environment, health, climate change and economic growth. Citizens must be able to hold their leaders accountable with facts.

It’s bad enough to be an internally displaced person fleeing for your life in Nigeria. But to be a female on the run with seven children between the ages of 1 month and 13 years is unimaginable.

Quiet and clean, e-trikes are all the rage on the streets of Borocay Island in the Philippines. These electric-powered bikes are replacing ubiquitous gasoline-operated tricycles that are one of the main sources of transportation

Tania Khatun and her family have seen their quality of life improve at the flip of a switch. No longer in the dark, she and her children are enjoying cooler nights and more enjoyable and productive evenings thanks to the sun’s rays collected through new solar panels.

Novembar 2015— Poboljšanje ekonomskog rasta je teško ako je polovina stanovništva iskčljučena. Nažalost, učešće žena u radnoj snazi na Kosovu je najniže u Evropi. Ipak, USAID pomaže ženama u poboljšanju njhovih veština i povećanju prihoda.

Manje od 10 odsto preduzeća na Kosovu je pod upravom ili u vlasništvu žena, dok se samo 3 odsto od svih poslovnih kredita dodeljuje ženama. Broj žena preduzetnika na Kosovu je takođe među najnižima u regionu, i žene često nailaze na više prepreka nego muškarci kada pokušavaju da osnuju biznis.

Nëntor 2015—Përmirësimi i rritjes ekonomike është i vështirë nëse gjysma e popullsisë është e papërfshirë. Mjerisht, pjesëmarrja e femrave në fuqinë punëtore të Kosovës është më e ulta në Europë. Megjithatë, USAID-i po u ndihmon grave në përmirësimin e shkathtësive dhe rritjen e të ardhurave.  
