Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Mexican youth are finding new ways to overcome the violence, crime and unemployment in their communities. As they turn toward training and educational opportunities, they are turning away from the limitations of their circumstances.
Dust devils are swirling through Catsanha, a village of about a dozen huts scattered across a dusty plane in western Mozambique's Moatize district in Tete province. Big industries have recently moved in for the coal reserves, so abundant in this part of the country.
Mindanao, located in the southernmost region of the Philippines, is rich in natural resources, but decades of internal conflict have left local governments unable to provide adequate services to the people, resulting in poor health, high illiteracy, and widespread poverty.
Nakon što je Zorana Lazarević diplomirala na Fakultetu umetnosti Univerziteta u Nišu, shvatila je da ne može da zarađuje kao profesorka muzičkog obrazovanja. Suočena sa finansijskim poteškoćama, rizikovala je i izabrala karijeru u IT sektoru, koji je perspektivan i brzo se razvija.
Пятилетний проект USAID по местному управлению» в Таджикистане, запущенный в 2012 году, направлен на оказание помощи стране в реализации Закона «Об органах самоуправления поселков и сел». Проект имеет партнерские взаимоотношения с 20 сельсоветами, расположенными в 10 районах четырех областей Таджикистана, в направлении усовершенствования предоставления услуг гражданам на местном уровне, в частности, чистой питьевой воды. На сегодняшний день, проект оказал помощь примерно 26 000 сельским жителям в получении доступа к улучшенному питьевому водоснабжению.
April 2016—A panic-stricken woman burst into the community health volunteer’s hut in the village of Tanambao Marofototra in southwestern Madagascar with her newborn baby boy in her arms. Terrified, she explained that her child was severely ill. He was having trouble breathing; his lips were beginning to turn blue.
The health worker quickly diagnosed a respiratory infection and told the local supervisor of a nearby community health care mutual that a baby with short and cramped breathing had to be evacuated to a health center in the larger town of Morondava, four miles away.
Me institucione parashkollore dhe çerdhe shpesh të stërmbushura përtej kapaciteteve të tyre në Kosovë, është veçanërisht e vështirë për prindërit vetëushqyes që të sigurojnë përkujdesje për fëmijët e tyre. Mirëpo tani, disa qytete janë duke ofruar përkujdesje falas për fëmijët, në dobi, si të fëmijëve ashtu edhe prindërve.
Fishing is one of the biggest industries in Southeast Asia, and working conditions on fishing boats are often extremely difficult. Highlighting this issue can be challenging, so celebrities who are used to being in the spotlight and can reach millions, are helping to do just that.
Oko 50 odsto mladih u Srbiji je nezaposleno, a ipak samo mali broj njih razmišlja da pokreni sopstveni posao. Zvanična statistika pokazuje da preduzetnici u Srbiji doprinose BDP-u sa manje od osam odsto, što pokazuje da je preduzetništvo u Srbiji nedovoljno razvijeno. Nedostatak znanja, iskustva i resursa glavni su razlozi što mladi ljudi biraju da ne budu sami svoje gazde.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.