Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Kop-promet doo je porodična tekstilna firma iz Novog Pazara, koji ima dugu tradiciju tekstilne proizvodnje.  Kop-promet je specijalizovan kako za modnu tako i za zaštitnu odeću, i trenutno zapošljava 40 radnika. 

Raised in Tanzania’s Kilombero district, Goa had only one source of income—the 25 cents she received weekly from family and friends. That changed in 2014, when Goa joined a savings and internal lending community, or SILC group. The group is supported by USAID under the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative.

One morning in 2015, a mother brought her 9-month-old daughter to the Vumilia Dispensary, a health clinic in Tanzania’s Tabora region. Tecra Chubwa, the nurse who oversees the facility, remembers the infant and her mother, and even remembers weighing the girl herself. But when she later reviewed the day’s vaccination records, she discovered the child had not received the measles-rubella vaccine she was due for that day.

After the Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014, Ukrainians made it clear they intended to build a European state and to transform Parliament—the Verkhovna Rada—into a body based on European standards. As reform legislation was initiated, it was evident that members of Parliament needed access to information on European standards, policies and traditions to conduct their work effectively.

The Jordan Workforce Development Project, which runs from 2014-2019, is designed to increase private sector employment, especially for women, youth and those living at or below the poverty line. To date, the project has successfully placed more than 300 Jordanians in new jobs in the food production, clean energy and garment sector and launched eight public-private partnerships to create job placement and improve employee retention. 

Nestled in the south of Johannesburg is a sprawling informal settlement known as Freedom Park, established following South Africa’s democracy in the late 90s. It is here that you find poverty, high unemployment rates and families ravaged by HIV/AIDS and other opportunistic diseases.

An app developed with support from USAID is making wildlife protection officers more effective in their efforts to combat wildlife trafficking in Southeast Asia.

Despite tremendous growth in ICT (information and communication technology) across the world, many Serbian companies have been slow to adopt ICT solutions like websites for product marketing and sales.

Kop-promet Ltd. is a family-owned textile business located in the Serbian municipality of Novi Pazar, traditionally known for its textile production. Specializing in the production of both fashionable and protective clothing, the company currently employs 40 full-time workers.
