Fact Sheets

The Conflict Mitigation through Community Mediation project aims to increase mutual understanding among the conflicting groups and improve relationships between marginalized groups and their local governments, working together to resolve differences.

On July 21, 2014, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States is providing $47 million to help the humanitarian situation in Gaza. To address the urgent needs in Gaza, USAID is drawing from these funds to provide food; clean water; basic commodities; health care and medical assistance; and shelter protection. As of September 5, USAID has provided the following assistance.

Health officials continue to report increased numbers of EVD cases in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Humanitarian actors report that additional EVD treatment units (ETU) and trained health care staff are urgently needed. The U.S. Government (USG) continues to provide relief commodities and technical assistance in EVD-affected areas.

RADP-South promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth for rural Afghans in Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan and Zabul provinces. The program supports farmers and micro, small, medium and large agribusinesses to improve production, processing and commodity sales. Market systems are strengthened by using local agricultural firms to champion reforms. Ultimately, by using a market-led approach, RADP-South will increase the incomes of farmers, agribusinesses, and Veterinary Field Units, while raising awareness among farming families of proper nutrition and balanced diets.

The Mekong River watershed is one of the most productive and biodiverse in the world, with a freshwater fishery that supports the livelihoods of 60 million people. Unfortunately, the Mekong region is susceptible to the negative effects of climate change, which are aggravated by existing and proposed hydropower dams that restrict fish passage, and trap sediment and prevent it from replenishing areas downstream, particularly in the river’s delta.

The six-year Climate Resilient Mekong program helps Lower Mekong countries study the potential effects of dam construction and identify ways to mitigate the potential impacts on the Mekong River system. The program works to better inform the choices made by national governments, investors and hydropower customers with regard to the siting, design and operation of hydropower dams throughout the entire Mekong River system in order to maintain the flow of water, sediment and nutrients essential for sustaining the river’s exceptional biological productivity and allow for fish passage.

Программа международного партнерства по оказанию продовольственной помощи (IFRP) в Кыргызской Республике финансируется инициативой Агентства США по международному развитию (USAID) «Продовольствие во имя мира». 

The International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP) program in the Kyrgyz Republic is funded by the USAID Office of Food for Peace. The IFRP strives to reduce food insecurity among the most vulnerable groups, including children, women, patients with TB and mental diseases, people with disabilities, elderly citizens and orphans. 

The U.S. Government inter-agency Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong (SIM) program, coordinated by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), provides Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) partner countries with support to develop environmentally sound and socially equitable infrastructure, clean energy development, land and/or water resources use.

Данный проект направлен на налаживание технического и политического диалога по управлению высокогорными регионами в свете изменений климата.

This project is working to facilitate technical and policy dialogue on high mountain landscape management in the face of climate change. This will help prepare communities to address key vulnerabilities to climate change, conserve snow leopards as the flagship and indicator species of Asia’s high mountain landscape health, and provide practical and measurable demonstrations that advance a vision for water security and sustainable mountain development across Asia.
