Fact Sheets

The project, also known as the Bicol Agri-Water Project (BAWP) seeks to improve water security thus, enhancing agricultural development under climate variability and change. With Php 61.5 million funding ($1.5 million) support from USAID, the project is implemented by the University of the Philippines Los Banos Foundation, Inc. for five (5) years, starting in September 2012.

Globally known for its rich biodiversity, the Philippines has more than 20,000 endemic species of plants and animals. Many of these are found in the country's forests that are being depleted at an alarming rate, threatening the Philippine economy and human well-being.

The Agusan Marsh covers an area of 110,069 hectares comprising of lakes, freshwater swamp forest, secondary scrub, herbaceous swamp, pools and rivers, rice paddies and other agricultural land and small settlements. 80% of the 117,683 people (2000) living in the marsh are Indigenous People and mostly belong to the Manobo tribe. 

Isabela Province in the Cagayan Valley is the country’s top corn producer. Climate Change poses long-term threats to the livelihoods of farmers and to national food security. According to PAGASA, the 2050 scenario in Isabela will result in a 1.9 to 2.1 C increase in temperature; a 29% decrease in mean rainfall for dry months and a 1.7% to 25.1% increase in rainfall for wet months. 

The Private Sector Mobilization for Family Health Project – Phase 2 (PRISM2) is part of the United States Agency for International Development’s continuing initiative to build enduring public-private partnerships that would assure Filipinos the availability of and access to quality modern family planning (FP) and maternal and child health (MCH) products and services.

While a global decline in HIV incidence from 1999 to 2009 was reported by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), the Philippines is one of seven countries where there was an observed increase of more than 25 percent for the same period. In the past five years, reported new cases have spiked among MSM and PWID.

In the Philippines, the Government’s 2011 Family Health Survey showed that maternal mortality increased from 162 to 221 deaths per 100,000 live births between 2006 and 2011. The unmet need for effective family planning (FP) services was a major contributor to the increase in maternal mortality.

MindanaoHealth is a five-year (2013-2018) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) health service delivery strengthening project implemented by Jhpiego-an affiliate of the Johns Hopkins University. It supports the Department of Health (DOH)-led scale up of high-impact services and client-centered information to improve child health and nutrition, to reduce maternal and infant deaths and to decrease the number of unmet need for family planning services, especially among the lowest wealth quintiles, and conflict-affected areas in Mindanao by increasing the uptake of integrated MNCHN/FP services at household level, in communities and at both public and private facilities.

The Philippines’ health statistics, particularly in the Visayas, show high unmet needs for quality MNCHN/FP services, especially among the vulnerable poor and geographically isolated families who comprise nearly one third of the total households.

The magnitude of TB problem in the Philippines has kept the country among the 22 high-burden TB countries, ranking 9th. The National TB Prevalence Survey in 2007 showed that 2.1 percent of new TB cases and 13 percent of re-treatment cases are drug-resistant (DR) tuberculosis, of which 3.9 percent are multiple drug resistant (MDR).
