USAID/Moldova Office is inviting helpline operators to submit technical and budget proposals in response to the Scope of Work. The full Scope of Work and requirements could be downloaded from our website. All documents must be submitted in English by Thursday, July 1, 2016 at 18:00 Chisinau time to
In support of the Central Elections Committee (CEC) the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) office in Moldova will issue a purchase order to a helpline operator that will respond to queries related to elections processes and procedures and will serve central and local elections management bodies and administrators of Moldova, by providing informational support services (through both inbound and outbound calls) particularly for the use of the SRV and SAISE. The period of performance is from on or about August 1, 2016 through on or about November 30 2016.
Required expertise:
- Have at least 2 years of relevant experience. Experience in setting-up and running election helplines is desirable;
- Have technical capacities to ensure smooth implementation and high-quality outputs.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.