Local implementers have the unique context and specific skills in terms of knowledge and understanding of how development works in their country. USAID has embarked on an ambitious set of reforms, USAID Forward. One aspect will be increasing direct partnerships with local organizations for greater sustainability and long-term effectiveness. USAID wants to help countries develop a vibrant civil society and private sector.
Building institutions that can continue to provide needed goods and services in country after a project or program ends is a critical part of development. A broader range of local partners can also help USAID benefit from new ideas and approaches. Local organizations will also have a better understanding of the local economic and political context and environment and greater sensitivity to social and cultural issues for greater empowerment of their clients.
USAID is committed to facilitating the use of local nonprofit organizations and local private businesses in the implementation of development assistance. To achieve this, the USAID/Madagascar is conducting a survey of Malagasy local organizations to use as a foundation for future partnerships.
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