А National Conference on the Role of Local Communities in State and Municipal Service Improvement

For Immediate Release

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A national conference on “The role of local communities in state and municipal service improvement: Achievements and Challenges” will be conducted in Bishkek on 04 December 2014 at “Jannat Regency” Bishkek from 9.00am till 04:00pm. The major outcome of this conference is to make recommendations on increasing state and municipal service quality provisions. Additionally results of a three year “Local Transparency and Cooperation Initiative” program will be presented as well as the methodology on the scale of citizen satisfaction with services and ways forward will be outlined.

Invited conference participants are representatives from the parliament, the government apparatus, local state administrations, and local communities, international and non-governmental organizations. Representatives of local communities, local self-governance institutions and central state administrations will share their collaboration experience and discuss priority issues to resolve for state and municipal service quality.

The meeting is organized within the framework of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) program on “Local Transparency and Cooperation Initiative” in collaboration with LBD Consulting and with generous support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The project selected five state and municipal services for improvement, including in-patient treatment, obtaining passports and birth certificates, as well as potable water supply and waste disposal issues.  “We surveyed local population in the pilot districts the finding revealed that in-patient treatment, obtaining passports and birth certificates, potable water supply and waste disposal issues to be the most essential for service quality improvement. In implementing the project monitoring groups were established and education provided for local activists, as a result of the increased knowledge they can now proactively and effectually participate in decision-making process with local self-governance institutions and service suppliers,” says the EFCA Executive Director Dinara Musabekova    

The Local Transparency and Cooperation Initiative Program implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia is one of many projects made possible with the support from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development. The program seeks to improve the quality of public and municipal services, and increase transparency, public confidence, and mutual understanding in the mining industry. Additional information is available here:  http://www.efca.kg/project-view/local-transparency-and-cooperation-initi...