Jamaica - Productivity Empowerment Project

Project Title: 
Productivity Empowerment Project 

Project Overview:
Country: Jamaica
Duration: July 2012 – August 2014

Agency for Inner City Renewal (AIR)

The Productivity Empowerment Project engage the Greater Trench Town (Lyndhurst/Greenwich; Arnett Gardens; Wilton & Federal Gardens) community in greenhouse farming through the development of agriculturally based micro-enterprises that will achieve a more entrepreneurial, democratic, economically empowered community for families, especially at risk men, women and youth.  The major outcomes include the following:

  • A system of governance that is representative of the desires and views of residents and creates the environment for sustainable economic and social development;
  • A viable business model based on greenhouse farms, owned and managed by legitimate localized community groups with wide involvement of residents.
  • Increased capacity of AIR to operate effectively as a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) over the life of the project and to enhance the future long term contribution of the organization as a key community asset.

Program Targets/ Expected Results:
The total direct beneficiaries of the PEP project are as follows:

  • 36 persons as part of the Greenhouse Producer Groups;
  • 15 persons as part of the NGO/Agricultural Enterprise

The total indirect beneficiaries of the PEP are as follows:

  • 12 persons as part of three open field farms
  • 8 persons as part of the backyard gardening

Program Status:
The Productivity Empowerment Project was launched in 2012. Under PEP one Greenhouse will be constructed in each of the three major districts in Trench Town. In addition, beneficiaries will receive training in Greenhouse Technology, Entrepreneurship, Quality Management and Governance.   To date, 21 persons have been trained in all four subject areas. Two Greenhouses have been constructed, one in the Arnett Gardens and the other in the Wilton/Federal Gardens district.  Capacity Building for AIR is ongoing while the establishment of the NGO/Agricultural Enterprise is progressing within schedule.


Issuing Country 
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 3:00pm