Guía para presentación de propuestas y solicitudes de ayuda no solicitada. Diciembre de 2014.
Gobierno de Estados Unidos y ONU Mujeres anuncian que trabajarán juntos para superar la violencia basada en género
After a half-century of intractable violence, Colombia may be nearing an end to its fifty-year internal armed conflict. Ongoing negotiations between the Government of Colombia (GOC) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC – the Western Hemisphere’s oldest insurgency) continue to advance, albeit slowly, with an array of complex issues still to be resolved. The United States Government (USG) has clearly stated its support for these negotiations and is planning to assist in the implementation of any agreement that may result from the talks.
Four page overview of the USAID program in Colombia.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Colombia announced the signing of a cooperative agreement with the Solidarity Center, a non-profit organization that works with NGOs, unions, and community groups worldwide to achieve equitable, sustainable, democratic development. The three-year project will promote respect for workers’ rights in Colombia, as a fundamental tenet of improving human rights, fostering development, and promoting social inclusion in the country.
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