Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Looking to address the unique needs of the people living in Ghor, the USAID-funded HEMAYAT Project and the Afghan government came up with a solution: take healthcare directly to the villagers, like those living in Dawlatyar.

Fouzia Hariri was one of 40 Afghan traders participating in the inaugural “Made in Afghanistan” exhibition and conference on July 19-20, 2016, in New Delhi, India, organized with the support of USAID’s Afghanistan Trade and Revenue (ATAR) project.

In a quiet corner of bustling downtown Ho Chi Minh City, Thu Nguyen Tan starts his working day by logging in on Facebook. His inbox is filled up with messages from young urban men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) seeking advice on a broad range of issues. Some are seeking guidance on safe sex and HIV protection. Others are interested in accessing HIV testing services, and are unsure where to go or are scared of being judged.

/sites/default/files/documents/1861/FS_HealthyMarkets_Sept2016_Eng.pdfLe Minh Thanh is the leader of G-Link, a community-based organization and social enterprise supporting men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) in Ho Chi Minh City. Thanh is also one of Vietnam’s first HIV lay testing providers. In this role, he delivers HIV testing services directly to MSM and TG clients using a rapid HIV finger prick, a diagnostic that can be administered easily and quickly.

As the poorest country in Europe, Moldovan citizens face many challenges when it comes to finding decent jobs at home. Given this and other economic and social challenges, thousands of Moldovans are forced to move to larger cities or go abroad to support their families and provide better opportunities for their children.

Oktobar 2016. – Kada ga je život suočio sa izazovom, Šećer Ukaj je bio na visini zadatka i prebrodio ga je na svoj način. Nedostatak tehnologije, nedostatak finansijske podrške, visoke kreditne stope, pratile su Šećera na njegovom putu ka uspehu. Sve je počelo simbolično, sa drvenim vratima koje je sam izradio. Kombinujući trogeneracijsku tradiciju svoje porodice u preradi drveta sa sopstvenim inženjerskim iskustvom, on je sredinom 80-tih godina otvorio u gradu Peć na zapadu Kosova preduzeće za proizvodnju nameštaja pod nazivom Ukaj.

Three years ago, Yana Dashkevich would never have imagined that she would restore an NGO in crisis and improve the lives of dozens of vulnerable children in Belarus.

The ongoing crisis in Syria has caused nearly 5 million Syrians to flee to neighboring countries to escape the horrors of a long and bloody conflict. This crisis has reshaped the demographics of an entire region and has impacted all of Syria’s neighbors.

Сентябрь 2016 г. - В мае 2015 г. Варвара Александрова из Витебска искала возможности трудоустройства.  Чтобы увеличить свои шансы найти работу, она пошла на курсы по основам предпринимательства.  В августе 2015 г. она открыла салон красоты и трудоустроила 10 человек.

С тех пор салон красоты успешно работает и расширяет свою клиентуру, продолжая обеспечивать такой нужной работой жителей Витебска.
