Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Dimbokro est une ville située à environ 50 km au sud-est de la capitale politique de Côte d'Ivoire, Yamoussoukro. Pendant longtemps, dans cette ville comme dans la plupart des villes du pays, les populations avaient une perception négative du système de justice. En raison des lenteurs dans la prosécution des dossiers le système de justice était perçu comme inefficace et non équitable.
For a long period, residents of Côte d’Ivoire’s city of Dimbokro, as in most cities in the country, lacked trust in the justice system. In fact, the entire justice system was perceived as inefficient, unfair and slow to act.
Мечта всей жизни для 25-летней Ангелины Уэльской, первой белорусской модели с ДЦП, – выйти на европейские и американские подиумы. За последний год она заметно продвинулась в этом направлении.
Зрошувальні системи мають вирішальне значення для успіху сільськогосподарської діяльності у південній частині України, а саме на Херсонщині, де зазвичай спекотне літо з незначною кількістю опадів. Саме в цьому регіоні знаходиться фермерське господарство «Аделаїда», яке через економічну кризу не мало достатньої кількості ресурсів, щоб замінити застарілу зрошувальну систему, збудовану ще за радянських часів, або побудувати нову, більш сучасну.
Fitim Selimi was working as a teaching assistant at Prishtina when he received his USAID scholarship in 2014. Fast-forward two years later. After graduating from Willamette University with a Master’s Degree in business administration, Selimi returned to the high school as business manager and human resource manager.
In the middle of an especially dry season from 2015 into early 2016, a 20-year-old woman provided a stark reminder of what’s at stake for rural communities throughout the Lower Mekong Basin as a result of climate change.
Grouped in a network called Solar Sahelis (Solar Friends), these women form an innovative social enterprise that promotes renewable energy products such as solar-powered lamps and household appliances to communities living in hard-to-reach areas. Around 10 million households—half the homes in Rajasthan—have no electricity at all or unreliable grid power. Alternate sources of power, such as solar systems, are important as they provide basic electric light and power and are cheaper and safer than the kerosene and dry cell batteries currently used in households that lack a reliable electricity supply.
Serbia’s new Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers went into effect in June 2015. One year later, Marija Beretka won a whistleblowing case against her employer, marking the first court ruling in a full lawsuit under the new law.
Vietnam’s textile industry just got some good news that will save companies thousands in fees as well as several days of shipping delays with repeal of a testing regulation.
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