Flag of Kazakhstan

Новости и полезная информация

Language: English | Russian
Май 3, 2013

IOM, together with USAID and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host a Central Asian Regional Dialogue “Demand Reduction for Forced Labor and Slavery-like Working Conditions” on March 6, 2013 at 09:00 a.m. at the hotel Holiday Inn Almaty.

Апрель 3, 2013

Over 50 representatives of private and public companies from South-Eastern and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central, Northern, South-Eastern and Southern Asia, as well as the Russian Federation and Turkey, are gathering in Almaty to develop bankable project proposals for energy efficiency investment opportunities. 

Ноябрь 27, 2012

Over the next three years, under the “Salamatty Kazakhstan National Health Care Program,” the government of Kazakhstan will make over $4 million in grants available to NGOs working in a variety of health care areas, including HIV.

Май 30, 2012

USAID’s Regional Economic Cooperation Project will hold the third and final session of the training seminar “Development of Export Partnerships: Logistics and Export” for Central Asian small- and medium-sized enterprises and NGOs. The three-day training session will be held at the Alatau Resort Hotel in Almaty on May 29-31.

It's been a busy spring for USAID. We're actively engaging Turkmenistan in their WTO accession, strengthening the carpet export industry across Central Asia, and are moving forward on the prevention, treatment, and care of tuberculosis.


Новости и объявления от USAID в Казахстане.