Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
March 2017—In 2012, Dr. Qudratullo Qodirov was one year out of medical school and had been offered a position as head of a tuberculosis (TB) center in the Rash district, some 200 kilometers from Tajikistan’s capital city of Dushanbe.
“I was hesitant to take the job because the TB center was in terrible condition, with only two staff members working in two small, unheated and badly equipped rooms,” he remembers.
Ноябрь 2016 - Почти все фермеры Джалал-Абадской и Ошской областей Кыргызстана выращивают кукурузу по традиционным устаревшим методам с использова-нием преимущественно физического труда, что снижает рентабельность производства кукурузы. Зачастую из-за низкого урожая кормовой кукурузы для скота, фермерам приходится закупать на зиму дополнительные объемы корма.
Кадырбек Баратов не стал исключением. Пойдя по стопам отца и научившись всему у него, он стал выращивать кукурузу по тем же методам.
Ноябрь 2016 - Жалал-Абад жана Ош облусунда дээрлик бардык фермерлер адатынча эле эски, кара күчтү көп талап кылган ыкмалар менен жүгөрү өстүрүп келишет. Мындай ыкма жүгөрү өстүрүүнүн пайдалуулугун чектейт. Көп учурда малга тоют катары камдалган түшүмдүн төмөн болушунан улам, фермерлер кышкыга кошумча көлөмдөгү тоюттарды сатып алууга аргасыз болушат.
Кадырбек Баратов да көпчүлүктүн катарынан чыкпады. Ал баардыгын атасынан үйрөнгөн соң анын жолун жолдоп, жүгөрү өстүрүүгө киришкени менен ошол эле ыкмаларды колдоно алды.
Responding to the need to improve basic literacy among early grade students in public schools, in 2013, USAID launched its $39.7 million Basa Pilipinas, or Read Philippines, program in partnership with the Philippine Department of Education. The program is designed to train first to third grade teachers how to teach reading more effectively.
Za žrtve nasilja u porodici u Srbiji statistika je sumorna. 2015. godine, 36 žena je izgubilo živote u slučajevima nasilja u porodici. Od početka 2016, 16 žena je ubijeno a čak njih 3.530 je pozvalo servis Savetovališta protiv nasilja u porodici, nevladine organizacije koja pruža pomoć žrtvama.
Nearly all farmers in the southern oblast of Jalal-Abad in Kyrgyzstan grow maize according to traditional methods—with outdated techniques and high manual labor—which limit profitability. Often, the maize they grow for animal feed is not enough, so they must buy additional feed to get through the winter.
Todo empezó en los 80s, cuando él tenía 18 años. Un compañero de la universidad le propuso viajar a Tocache, Región San Martin, para hallar trabajo cultivando frutas. El plan era encontrar trabajo y ahorrar lo suficiente para terminar sus estudios en la universidad.
The dream of a lifetime for 25-year-old Angelina Waleskaya, the first Belarusian model with cerebral palsy, is to walk the runways of Europe and the United States. During the past year, she has been moving closer to her goal.
Some corners of Kosovo’s major cities could easily be mistaken for Milan or Paris, with flashy designer shops and boutiques lining the streets. But unlike Milan and Paris—which attract designers from all over the world—Kosovo’s designers are all home-grown and draw from a rich 200-year history in textiles.
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