The quality of Kosovo’s road construction is poor, resulting in wasted taxpayer money and hindered trade between Kosovo and its neighbors. One of the main obstacles to quality road construction has been the lack of local knowledge for managing and operating asphalt plants, which produce road construction raw materials.
USAID is helping asphalt producers to improve the quality of asphalt and of road construction through hands-on trainings designed specifically to address their needs. During a study tour in Germany, ten Kosovar asphalt producers learned about quality control and plant management. They also learned about the hot-mix asphalt production process, focusing on operational efficiency, quality control and quality assurance. Through the program, participants improved their understanding of making and marketing products, and learned new management principles, which will assist them in being more competitive and successful.
After the study tour, Vesel Miftari, the plant operator at the Papenburg/Adriani Company in Ferizaj/Urosevac, convinced his plant’s management to rebuild the plant’s heating and heat circulation system, in line with more energy-efficient models he saw in Germany. Although installing the new system required a $190,000 investment, the plant now spends an average of 40 to 50 percent less on heating, a savings that will pay back the investment in one year. In addition, Vesel worked to establish a new quality control unit, which verifies the work of Papenburg/Adriani and of other asphalt and road construction companies in Kosovo. Following the study tour, participants from other asphalt plants in Peja/Pec, Prizren, Ferizaj/Urosevac and Suharekë/Suvareka also have implemented energy efficiency measures and quality control improvements.
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