At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the launching ceremony of the VIII Salon Cacao & Chocolate 2017. The ceremony was attended by Peruvian authorities, USAID Peru Mission Director Lawrence Rubey and Edo Stork representing the United Nations.
Acting Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Wade Warren visited Peru May 10-12 to meet with government authorities and advance USAID's work in helping Peru to take on illicit activities and promote sustainable and inclusive development.
The Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and the United States Ambassador, Brian A. Nichols, participated in the launch of the second phase of the Peru Cacao Alliance, a public-private initiative supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), last March 7th.
Last February 14 was the round table about Building Capacity for Environmental Management that highlighted the results obtained by the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) USAID/MINAM, aimed to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of the Environment of Peru (MINAM).
Es la actividad ilícita más lucrativa en el Perú, superando incluso a la producción de coca de los últimos años. La extracción ilegal de oro involucra procesos destructivos que devastan las comunidades amazónicas, sus bosques y fuentes de agua. USAID trabaja con comunidades locales, instituciones académicas de investigación peruanas y universidades de los Estados Unidos para ayudar a enfrentar esta amenaza a la Amazonía.
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