Flag of Paraguay


March 4, 2014

El Director de USAID, Fernando Cossich participó de una gira de monitoreo del Programa Ka'aguy Retã: Bosques y Desarrollo, que tuvo lugar el día viernes 28 de febrero en la Estancia San Rafael, de la Empresa San Rafael Agrícola y Ganadera S.R.L. Distrito de Villa Hayes, Departamento de Presidente Hayes.

January 17, 2014

This country overview provides a high-level profile of the structure and the performance of Paraguay's tax system.  Specifically, it examines the evolution of revenue in recent years, recent tax reforms, the tax structure, and the revenue performance across different taxes based on a series of quantitative and qualitative indicators. In examining these points, comparative data helps place Paraguay within the context of other countries in the LAC region, countries in the same income group, and the rest of the world.  

January 17, 2014

This report summarizes country-specific revenue briefs developed by the Strengthening Public Financial Management in Latin America and Caribbean (PFM-LAC) Project. This study provides an overview of the tax systems of the following eight countries: Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Paraguay, and Peru

Fernando Cossich, Director de USAID/Paraguay; José Molinas, Ministro Secretario de la STP, y Alicia Perrone, Cónsul de Uruguay,
January 16, 2014

ASUNCION – La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo internacional y la Agencia Uruguaya de Cooperación Internacional hoy formalizaron un acuerdo con la Secretaría Técnica de Planificación de la República del Paraguay, para incrementar la producción agrícola, reducir la pobreza y fortalecer las instituciones públicas en Paraguay.

USAID/Paraguay Mission Director Fernando Cossich, Minister José Molinas of the Technical Planning Secretariat, and Uruguayan Con
January 16, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States Agency for International Development and the Uruguayan International Cooperation Agency today formalized a partnership with Paraguay´s Technical Planning Secretariat to increase agriculture production, decrease poverty and strengthen public institutions in Paraguay.
