Flag of Pakistan


July 12, 2016

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-implemented Pakistan Agriculture Programs are helping USAID reach its goal of improving the economic lives of focus populations by improving the economic performance of farm businesses in Pakistan. 

July 12, 2016

The Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project (GZD-CADP) is part of the Gomal Zam Dam and Irrigation System. 

July 12, 2016

Through an inter-agency agreement with USAID, the U.S. Department of Commerce provides legal and regulatory technical assistance to Pakistan 's public and private sectors.

June 15, 2016

USAID facilitated the diversification of Pakistan’s energy sources with the commissioning of the country’s first Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import terminal at Port Qasim, Karachi. This work has helped Pakistan receive its first imports of LNG from international markets, including Qatar, the world’s single largest producer and supplier of LNG.

United Nations World Food Programme
June 2, 2016

U.S. Agency for International Development Mission Director John Groarke announced today a new U.S. contribution of $21 million in food assistance to feed malnourished individuals in Pakistan.
