Afghanistan Rule of Law Project (ARoLP)

DATES: March 2003 - May 2009
Rule of Law reform is carried out through the Afghanistan Rule of Law Project (AROLP), managed by Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc. AROLP activities are designed to develop the human and institutional capacity of the justice sector, increase access to justice, particularly for women, and increasing public demand for rule of law.  Long term expected results include: (1) a competent, independent judiciary; (2) higher quality legal education; (3) harmony in actions of the formal and informal justice systems; (4) public confidence in the justice system; and (5) universal access to justice with an emphasis on the rights of women.  With existing resources, the program will conduct five public legal education campaigns; roll-out Afghanistan Court Administration System (ACAS) nation-wide; increase the administrative capacity of the Supreme Court’s Office of General Administration; conduct the Judicial Stage for 2008 with 200 new candidates; produce eight course curricula as part of the unified core legal curriculum; open five new legal aid offices; train every judge on the elements of the new code of judicial conduct; conduct two national campaigns on women’s rights and produce a comprehensive assessment of women’s access to justice. Affected populations include all individuals entering the justice system as a defendant or claimant, and in particular women.