Fact Sheets

USAID Kenya, in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), supports Kenya’s efforts to pursue long-term, transformative development and accelerate sustainable, climate-resilient economic growth while slowing the growth of greenhouse gas emissions.

Kenya has the largest and most diversified economy in East Africa. Nevertheless, 40 percent of Kenyans live below the poverty line and more than 1.5 million will require immediate food assistance through February.

Проект направлен на увеличение доходов мелких фермеров через улучшение их производительности, расширение рынков и создание партнерств с частным сектором для повышения конкурентоспособности целевых сельскохозяйственных цепочек добавленной стоимости. Проект создает рабочие места в сельскохозяйственном секторе, в особенности для женщин и молодежи, а также улучшает доступность питательных продуктов.

Since September 25, 2013 the U.S. Government has committed a total of $100 million in support of the High Impact Micro-Infrastructure Initiative (HIMII). The HIMIII was launched by Secretary Kerry in partnership with the Palestinian Authority at last year’s Ad Hoc Liaison Committee meeting. HIMII objectives are to create jobs and build vital infrastructure throughout the West Bank. Projects include upgrading of existing and construction of new health clinics, schools, water systems, community centers, and roads. These projects are designed to deliver tangible benefits to improve the living conditions of Palestinians and to support growth of the Palestinian economy.

Since the first cases of Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) were reported in West Africa in March 2014, the United States has mounted a whole-of-government response to contain and stop the spread of the virus, while also taking prudent measures at home. There are currently more than 1,350 U.S. government personnel on the ground in West Africa, making this the largest-ever U.S. response to a global health crisis. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that it will take at least six months to bring the outbreak under control. The goal of the United States in West Africa is to stop the epidemic at its source through mobilizing our government-wide capabilities to fight the epidemic on a regional basis. The Ebola crisis is derailing not only lives, but livelihoods, in some of the most vulnerable communities in the world. Fears of infection have disrupted normal economic activity in West Africa. If the epidemic is not contained during 2015, this cost will multiply nearly ten-fold.

The project works to increase smallholder farmers’ incomes by improving productivity, expanding markets and creating private sector-led partnerships to increase competitiveness of selected agricultural value chains. The project creates jobs in the agricultural sector – especially for women and youth – while improving the availability of nutritious foods.

Проект сосредоточен на создании диалогового пространства, где группы гражданского общества из разных стран Центральной Азии смогут обсуждать вопросы, связанные с их повседневной работой, обмениваться информацией, сотрудничать в подготовке кадров и обмениваться опытом, а также проводить совместные пропагандистские мероприятия. В частности, основной целью данного проекта является укрепление и / или наращивание потенциала организаций гражданского общества (ОГО) в Центральной Азии, чтобы они могли эффективно участвовать в диалоге с представителями соответствующих государственных органов по вопросам развития демократии и способствовать принятию прогрессивных социальных, экономических и политических решений на республиканском и местном уровнях.

The project will focus on creating a dialogue space where civil society groups from different countries of Central Asia can discuss issues relevant to their everyday work, share information, collaborate in training and networking, and conduct joint advocacy activities. Specifically, the central purpose of this project is to strengthen and/or build capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Central Asian region, so that they can effectively participate in a dialogue with their respective government counterparts on all aspects of national and regional democratic debate and policy-making.

  • On November 7, WHO released new safe and dignified burial-practice protocols for handling the bodies of deceased EVD patients, emphasizing the inclusion of family members and encouraging religious rites as essential parts of the burials. The guidelines support efforts to reduce EVD transmission through proper dead body management—a pressing need given that as many as one in five EVD infections occur during burials, according to WHO.
  • The GoS announced plans to re-open its border with Guinea and plans to allow commercial flights to and from Liberia and Sierra Leone to resume. President of Senegal Macky Sall noted that the decision follows the recommendations of the Economic Community of West African States to re-open borders with EVD-affected states.
  • Sierra Leone’s Koinadugu District—the latest district of Sierra Leone to become affected by EVD—has experienced 50 EVD-related deaths since mid-October, according to the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS) and the U.N. Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER). Health and response personnel have confirmed approximately 60 EVD cases in the district and more than 200 people have been placed in isolation to reduce EVD transmission.

The USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems Project (ASSIST) supports the Ministries of Health, the Ministry of Labor Social Security and Services, and other relevant partners to design, develop and implement strategies that enhance the quality of service delivery in the health sector and the care of orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya.  The activity is guided by the National Health Sector Strategic Plan II and the Ministry of Labor Social Security and Services outlined priorities for improving quality of services.
