Power Transmission Expansion and Connectivity (PTEC) Project

  • Duration: 
    Dec 2012 – Dec 2018
  • Value: $870 million


Recent estimates indicate only 30 percent of Afghans have access to electricity.  The USAID Power Transmission Expansion and Connectivity project, in partnership with the national electric utility Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), is working to increase access to electricity by (1) expanding and improving Afghanistan’s electric transmission system; (2) strengthening the ability of DABS to manage, operate and maintain the national power system; and (3) attracting private sector investment in Afghanistan’s energy sector.

A top priority is expanding the national power grid by connecting Afghanistan’s northeastern power grid with its southeastern counterpart in Helmand and Kandahar. USAID is funding the construction of a 511 kilometer (km) transmission line connecting the two networks, as well as improvements to the existing southeastern grid. Once the project is completed, DABS will be capable of providing affordable power to many more underserved Afghans.

Another USAID objective is to provide technical assistance to DABS to manage, operate, and maintain the national power system effectively by increasing cost recovery, reducing technical and commercial losses, and improving the DABS management and technical departments. A longer-term USAID objective is to support government of Afghanistan efforts to make the energy sector more attractive to private investors.


  • Transmission Expansion and Improvements:
    • Construction of over 500 kilometers of transmission lines from Arghandi to Kandahar, connecting the northeastern and southeastern power systems
    • Construction of substations at Sayedabad and Ghazni
    • Construction of a substation at Salang Tunnel to provide power and displace high-cost diesel power
  • Technical Assistance:
    • Building capacity at DABS to improve technical operations, financial and corporate management practices, revenue protection programs, and asset administration
    • Installing utility management software, and training staff to operate it, at five operations centers
  • Private Sector:
    • With USAID support, DABS has contracted and signed a Power Purchase Agreement with an Indian solar development firm to construct, maintain, and operate a 10 megawatt solar plant in Kandahar


  • Transmission Expansion and Improvements:
    • Construction of substations at Qarabagh, Muqur, Shah Joy, Qalat and Kandahar East
    • Construction of 114 km of transmission lines and three substations, as well as other improvements, to rehabilitate the southeastern power grid
  • Technical Assistance:
    • Installation of bulk electrical meters and smart retail meters so DABS can reduce technical and commercial losses and increase revenues
    • Installation and configuration of a disaster recovery data center for DABS
  • Private Sector:
    • Scaling up private investment in the energy sector of Afghanistan using different models


  • Expand the national power grid and increase access to electricity for many more Afghans
  • Enable DABS to manage, operate and maintain the national power system effectively, sustainably, and profitably
  • Increase private sector investment in the energy sector of Afghanistan