The USAID Political Process Support in Serbia Project is a five-year program to develop the institutional capacity of political parties, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (NARS), targeted governmental institutions and civil society to advance key reforms, enhance the policy development process, improve accountability, increase civic engagement, and support democratic elections.
The National Democratic Institute (NDI) advances dialogue on key political and electoral reforms and supports institutions tasked with the implementation of and compliance with reform legislation. It strengthens political parties and democratic representation, encourages better linkages between parliamentarians and constituents, and helps marginalized groups engage in political processes.
The International Republican Institute (IRI) enhances the responsiveness, transparency and accountability of parties and government through improved citizen oversight. It strengthens the role of women and youth in the political process, supports increased access to information between political parties and constituencies, and uses political polling to build a professional, effective policy development community.
- Established the Parliamentary Internship Program to enhance Parliament's internal capacity;
- Helped draft and pass amendments to the Laws on Parliamentary and Local Elections, and the Law on the Financing of Political Activities, including a 33 percent gender quota for women on party lists;
- Enhanced democratic and minority representation by advising Serbian minority parties on electoral strategy, establishing party training centers, and the inclusion of more youth and women members in internal decision-making processes;
- Developed policy recommendations promoting e-governance solutions to enhance governmental efficiency and expand transparency. Over 1,000 participants from local governments, the media, the private sector and civil society attended public meetings in 25 administrative districts on this issue;
- Supported Serbia’s European Union integration process through policy development advice to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration;
- Contributed to political party electoral and post-election strategies through polling, analysis, and advising, and opening constituency office within the NARS. Citizen outreach promoted via organization of issue roundtables and public hearings on issues related to persons with disabilities and women;
- Polling provided for political parties to understand the importance of analytics in developing electoral platforms, campaigns and voter targeting.
- Commissioned development of an election monitoring application for poll watchers with smart phones;
- Expanded citizen oversight and engagement in municipal budgeting through support for grassroots civil society. Local stakeholders assumed management of two leading youth activities, the Youth Leadership Academy and Young Leaders, originally developed by the Consortium.
Project funded by:
U.S. Agency for International Development; USAID/Serbia
Project implemented by:
Consortium for Elections and Political Processes Strengthening (CEPPS) comprised of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI)
Key counterparts:
National Assembly; political parties; civil society organizations; and others.
Where we work:
Project duration:
October 2010 to September 2015
USAID Political Process Support in Serbia Project
Topolska 22
Belgrade 11000 Serbia
Phone: +381-11 240-0062 (NDI)
Phone: +381-11 344-7459 (IRI)
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