Although Indonesia has made remarkable progress over the last decade, Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the top four causes of death in the country. In addition to the results of a recent prevalence survey which showed a much higher TB prevalence than previously estimated, an increase in Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB) cases, inadequate number of TB and MDR-TB case in public and private hospitals, and under-reporting in large hospitals and within the private sector pose significant challenges to the national program.
Through the PRIORITAS (Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students) program, USAID has committed itself to encouraging improvements in early grade reading by developing grade-appropriate reading books that will enrich current classroom instruction.
Humanitarian actors continue to identify and respond to hurricane-related needs. WFP reaches more than 242,000 people in Haiti with food assistance in October and bolsters logistics operations by air, land, and sea. USAID/OFDA provides an additional $5.2 million to support emergency relief item distributions and shelter and protection activities.
The southern region of Madagascar has been experiencing a prolonged drought, amplified by the effects of climate change and the El Niño climate phenomenon, since 2013. The United States is especially concerned about the alarming levels of food insecurity in southern Madagascar where 900,000 people need emergency food assistance. The U.S. government is ramping up its response as needs continue to escalate during the lean season into early next year.
Долбоордун негизги максаты – КТРКга жана “Ынтымак” регионалдык коомдук телеканалына так жана бейтараптуу жаңылыктарды чагылдыргууга көмөктөшүү аркылуу маалыматка жол ачуу.
Долбоор аркылуу Freedom House адам укугуна байланыштуу көйгөйлөрдү чечүүгө, адам укугун коргоо жаатындагы институттарды, мыйзамдарды жана саясатты бекемдөөгө саяский эркти жана мотивация жаратуну көздөп, укук коргоо коомчулугунун өнүктүрүүгө жардам көрсөтөт.
USAID partners conduct additional joint distributions in Grand’Anse, reaching nearly 4,600 households since October 19. Additional USAID/OFDA-procured ORS arrives in Haiti’s capital city of Port-au-Prince. Relief actors continue to augment humanitarian logistics and transportation capacity in hurricane-affected areas.
Долбоор күчтүү сатыктарды камсыз кылуу жана техникалык жардам аркылуу Кыргызстандын ишканаларынын атаандаштыкка жөндөмдүүлүгүн жогорулатууга багытталган.
Launched January 2015, the Emerging Pandemic Threats 2 (EPT-2) program builds on and extends the successes of USAID’s EPT-1 and Avian Influenza programs in disease prevention, surveillance, training, and outbreak response.
USAID, in partnership with Terra Global Capital, works with local nongovernment organizations, cooperatives, and community associations, to bring new sources of finance to fund smallholder agriculture, non-timber forest products (NFTP) and climate change mitigation projects in Colombia.
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