Health Infrastructure Improvement

In order to complement investments in building management and technical capacity to deliver quality health services, USAID also supports targeted infrastructure improvement. USAID's support includes minor renovations, facility expansions, and new construction designed to be very energy efficient and to incorporate green-building technology. The Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences (JIMS) Project supports the construction of a new 150 bed hospital in Jacobabad, a city in one of the poorest areas of Pakistan in northern Sindh province. The hospital will provide a full range of services and will be managed through a public­private partnership with the Government of Sindh and civil society. The Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC) Project supports the construction of a 60 bed fistula and obstetrics and gynecological (ob/gyn) ward, a training institute, and a maternity ward at the JPMC in Karachi, which is Pakistan's premier public medical center and provides free services to people from all over Pakistan. USAID will also fund the construction and repair of over 500 primary obstetric care facilities throughout Sindh.


The main objective of the Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences (JIMS) Project is to build a new hospital that will provide quality healthcare services for more than one million people in northern Sindh and neighboring districts of Balochistan. The primary objective of the JPMC Project is to build facilities that will provide quality neonatal and maternal health services to 30,000 to 35,000 patients per year. The major objective of the support for constructing and repairing primary obstetric care facilities is to increase access to quality basic health services.


  • Construct a 150 bed, fully equipped hospital in Jacobabad, Sindh. The Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences (JIMS) will be managed through a public­private partnership with the Government of Sindh and civil society.
  • Construct new facilities at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center in Karachi, including a fistula/ob­gyn ward, a training institute, and a maternity ward. The new maternity ward will be managed through a public­private partnership between the JPMC Hospital Administration and the Marium Ali Mohammad Tabba Foundation.
  • Construct and repair over 500 primary obstetric care facilities throughout Sindh. These facilities will be run by private skilled birth attendants to increase access to quality basic services and improve the referral system for emergencies.


  • JIMS construction started in February 2013.
  • JPMC 60­bed fistula/ob­gyn ward and training institute completed and fully functional under JPMC management
  • Planned mapping by district­level NGOs of existing and potential primary obstetric care facilities to address needs in rural and peri­urban communities and villages in Sindh.