The Multi-Input Area Development—Global Development Alliance (MIAD-GDA) is a partnership between USAID the Aga Khan Development Network to improve the quality of life in Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province by strengthening health, education, livelihoods, and governance. The project links Afghanistan’s public and private sectors to foster sustainable social and economic development. USAID and Aga Khan are each investing $30.5 million to fund this GDA.
USAID’s Afghanistan Trade and Revenue Project facilitate regional trade by developing cross-border transit agreements and improve economic growth and stability in the region. The project supports Afghanistan’s need to meet and implement its World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments. Additionally, it works with Afghanistan’s public and private sectors to increase the country’s international trade and supports the Afghan government to improve its ability to generate revenue to replace donor assistance.
Datos Básicos del Proyecto
Valor Aproximado: $ 1, 420,687
Inicio: Octubre 2010
Término: Septiembre 2014
Socio Implementador: ACDI/VOCA
Project Snapshot
Approximate Program Value: $ 1,420,687
Start Date: October 2010
End Date: September 2014
Implementing Partner: ACDI/VOCA
The Challenge
Data e fillimit: 1 tetor 2012
Data e përfundimit: 1 Maj 2014
Buxheti i projektit (kohëzgjatja e projektit): $208,578
Датум на започнување: 01 октомври 2012 г.
Датум на завршување: 01 мај 2014 г.
Буџет на проектот: $208,578
Data e fillimit: 24 prill 2012
Data e përfundimit: 23 prill 2016
Buxheti i paraparë i projektit (për kohëzgjatjen e projektit): $5 milionë
Implementues: Carana Korporatë
Датум на започнување: 24 април 2012 г.
Датум на завршување: 23 април 2016 г.
Буџет на проектот: $ 5 милиони
Имплементатор: Carana Corporation
Датум на започнување: 1 септември, 2007 г.
Датум на завршување: 1 септември, 2014 г.
Буџет на проектот: 9 милиони долари во форма на заеми
Имплементатор: УНИБАНКА и НЛБ Лизинг
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