USAID supports projects committed to building a more inclusive society and strengthening the rights of persons with disabilities. The Play Unified Project is a two-year, $249,815 initiative to provide opportunities for youth with and without intellectual disabilities to work together to create socially inclusive communities
USAID sarađuje sa sudovima i drugim pravosudnim institucijama na jačanju vladavine prava u Srbiji. Projekat institucionalnog jačanja Visokog saveta sudstva je dvogodišnja inicijativa, vredna 500.000 dolara koja ima za cilj razvoj administrativnih i tehničkih kapaciteta Visokog saveta sudstva (VSS), tela koje je zaduženo za upravljanje pravosuđem u Srbiji i unapređenje vršenja pravde.
USAID works with courts and other judicial institutions to strengthen the rule of law in Serbia. The Institutional Strengthening of the High Court Council project is a two-year, $500,000 initiative to develop the administrative and technical capacity of the High Court Council (HCC), the body responsible for administering Serbia’s judiciary and improving the delivery of justice.
USAID podržava projekte koji imaju za cilj izgradnju inkluzivnijeg društva kao i unapređenje prava osoba sa invaliditetom.
The project works on re-establishing the Parliamentary Disability Caucus Group to shape national policy and raise Members of Parliament (MPs) awareness of disability rights.
USAID podržava ključne reforme neophodne za pristupanje Srbije EU. Projekat podrške Pravosudnoj akademiji za vladavinu prava, koji sprovodi Pravosudna akademija, je dvogodišnja incijativa vredna 500.000 dolara koja ima za cilj jačanje upravljačkih i programskih kapaciteta Pravosudne akademije. Osnovna uloga Pravosudne akademije je da unapredi profesionalni, nezavisni, objektivni i efiksni učinak sudija i tužilaca kao i administrativnog osoblja.
USAID supports critical reforms necessary for Serbia to transition into the European Union (EU). The Rule of Law Assistance - Support to the Judicial Academy project implemented by the Judicial Academy (JA) is a two-year, $500,000 initiative to strengthen the JA’s program and management capacities. The overall purpose of the JA is to improve the professional, independent, unbiased and efficient performance of judges and prosecutors and support staff.
FEWS NET projects severe food insecurity through at least September. USAID partner CRS analyzes emergency seed needs. USAID/OFDA Director assesses Ethiopia drought response.
Final Rule Implementing Executive Order 13559: Fundamental Principles and Policymaking Criteria for Partnerships with Faith-based and Other Neighborhood Organizations
USAID’s Afghanistan Workforce Development Program (AWDP) complements the development goals of the Afghan and U.S. governments by supporting key growth opportunities in construction, information and communications technology, public-private partnership and business management. The program seeks to increase job placements and wages for 25,000 Afghan citizens – at least 25 percent of them women – by strengthening the labor pool in major economic areas and addressing the difficulties of high unemployment, scarcity of technically-skilled Afghan labor, and trained business managers. It does this by providing demand-driven quality technical and business education, training, job placement, and support services.
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