Infrastructure projects improving lives of citizens in Peja/Pec region

Friday, December 2, 2016
[Left] Mayor of Peja Gazmend Muhaxheri, USAID Mission Director, James Hope drinking water with citizens of Belopolje
USAID Advancing Kosovo Together - Local Solutions

USAID-supported project are improving the lives of citizens in the Peja/Pec region, according to the citizens of Belopolje/Bellopojë and Gorazdevac/Gorazhdec. USAID Mission Director James Hope and Mayor Gazmend Muhaxheri spoke to the residents of these two villages on November 22, 2016 during the inauguration of the new water pump station in Belopolje/Bellopojë and public street lighting in Gorazdevac/Gorazhdec.    

The projects were funded through USAID’s Advancing Kosovo Together (AKT) program, Advancing Kosovo Together – Prime and, and Local Solutions component.

AKT fosters constructive, interethnic cooperation and interaction between Kosovo’s majority and minority populations, which is vital to the security and stability of the region. The program partners with municipalities and other government institutions to support the engagement of targeted communities. To date, USAID through both components USAID has invested approximately US $261,938 in municipality of Peja/Pec.

During his stay in Peja/Pec, Director Hope visited Gemix, a local varnishing company that recently benefited a grant through our EMPOWER Private Sector.