USAID has been present in Madagascar since 1984 and celebrated its 30th anniversary in-country in December 2014. The Mission has several success stories from past initiatives, current activities and future programs planned which are showcased in this video through narration, interviewing, and site visits. The main message of the video celebrates USAID’s longstanding partnership with the Government and people of Madagascar, as well as success stories.
30th anniversary of USAID/Madagascar
05 minutes 04 seconds
Video Transcript
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you very much
Thank you
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
I'm very glad that our people now have access to safe drinking water after consuming dirty and contaminated water for quite a long time. It's a good thing and I'm happy, and I'd like to thank USAID. What you do inspires to always do our work better.
I'm a physician and as such, when I get back home in the evening I feel satisfaction in helping the people of Madagascar. I can do my job correctly thanks to USAID/PMI's funding.
Bed net distribution is a great thing. The people here like to use bed nets, which also helps us a lot in the management of malaria at the hospital; many of the tests we have conducted are now negative.
We really appreciate working with USAID because we can reach remote, underserved rural areas. The people here in Vakinankaratra are poor. They can't afford to go all the way to the city to get family planning services although they have many children. They now have access to family planning services right when they need them - thanks to USAID. And so I'd like to say thank you very much to USAID because your assistance allows us to take care of our people here in remote, rural areas. Thank you.
We've put in place an emergency transportation system in the commune of Analaiva, in western Madagascar. The residents use the system to transport pregnant women or very sick children to the health center, so thank you, thank you to MAHEFA, thank you to the donor, to the American people, to USAID for partnering with us.
USAID has a long history of helping people all over the world to build a better future for themselves and their families. I feel proud of USAID’s achievements in Madagascar over the past 30 years in the areas of food security, the environment, democracy and governance, health. Since 1984, USAID has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the Malagasy people in various ways. We have made progress, but there is still so much to do. Together, let’s build on our successes and the lessons we’ve learned to accelerate change in Madagascar. Thank you, and happy anniversary!
Thank you
Thank you. It's cool.
Thank you very much; we're really satisfied.
February 12, 2015
January 16, 2015
January 15, 2015
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