The United States and India Work to Improve Tuberculosis Treatment

For Immediate Release

Friday, December 6, 2013

New Delhi, December 6, 2013:  The United States has given grants to "The Grand Challenges in Tuberculosis Control."  This program supports Indian innovators to improve TB treatment adherence through out-of-the-box innovations.  It enables scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs to develop new solutions through seed funding and rigorous mentoring.  This is an initiative by IKP Knowledge Park, Hyderabad in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Winners of $30,000 in grants were recently announced for their innovative ideas providing technology-driven solutions that will substantially strengthen TB control in India.

USAID/India Mission Director John Beed notes that "India is a global leader in information technology and is strategically placed to accelerate the development and widespread use of new technologies that could transform TB control. Through this partnership, we have been able to identify cutting edge innovative solutions to address treatment adherence.  It's clear that India's innovators are motivated to integrate technology and health for the good of public health."  

The Grand Challenges in Tuberculosis Control program aims to nurture ideas that are innovative, sustainable, and can be scaled.  The selected teams will demonstrate a prototype that will be evaluated at the end of six months, and four teams will receive additional funding of $100,000 each.  A few will also be provided with networks and marketing channels to commercialize their innovations.  The proposed ideas range from low-end smart phone applications to electronic pillboxes.