For Immediate Release
Cairo – Today, 19 Egyptian firms completed extensive training through USAID on key aspects of export trade. They attended four international trade shows over the past year that resulted in $1.4 million in sales orders received at shows and $5 million in projected future orders.
“Every product made in Egypt that is sold overseas brings income that can raise standards of living in Egypt. Increasing that success in overseas markets increases jobs in Egypt,” said Dr. Mary C. Ott, USAID Mission Director in Egypt. “Your success is proof that even in difficult times, your efforts are valuable and success is possible.”
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Egyptian Engineering Export Council, and the Home Textile Export Council, with support from the Egypt Expo and Convention Authority, cooperated on this export development pilot project to improve the skills of 19 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the auto parts and home textiles sectors. Through a series of trainings, coaching, and individual consultations, these firms, which include six women-owned or managed SMEs, strengthened their skills and capacity to compete in global export markets. Their success has helped to create jobs and bolster the Egyptian economy – and provides useful examples for other small and medium enterprises to learn from and follow.
Trainee Karim Kozman of the Kozman Group, an upholstery and curtains maker in 10th of Ramadan City, said that “I have participated in trade shows before, but this is the first time that 13 Egyptian companies, including 6 SMEs, came together in Saudi Arabia under one pavilion. The Egyptian pavilion was very prominent in the show, and we succeeded in attracting new customers and even receiving some sale orders at the show. We were all very excited.”
Over the past 30 years, the U.S. government through USAID has worked with the Egyptian people to build a globally competitive, educated, innovative human resources-based economy in Egypt. USAID activities in trade facilitation and other areas have led to new or better full-time employment for over 40,000 people in the past two years and short-term jobs for another 20,000 workers. This project is one of many initiatives by the U.S. government that support private sector growth, create jobs for Egyptians, and expand the $8 billion bilateral trade relationship.
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