USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP) awards funding to private voluntary organizations (PVOs) to design and implement multi-year Title II development food assistance programs. The main purpose of the Title II program is to improve long-term food security of chronically food insecure population in the targeted regions. As countries start new programs, USAID conducts baseline surveys to assess the current status of key indicators, develop a better understanding of prevailing conditions and perceptions of the population in the targeted areas, and serve as a point of comparison for future final evaluations. Results are also used to further refine program targeting and, where possible, to understand the relationship between variables to inform program design.
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Under the terms of an agreement with USAID, a partner owns data it collects. Under the authority of the license that partners grant to USAID, USAID posts the data with a CC-BY license providing attribution to the partner.
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