Behavioural and drug-taking risk behaviour among female sex workers and men in mobile occupations in Indonesia, 2002-2004]

Indonesia has monitored behaviours that carry a high risk for HIV infection in groups most likely to be affected since 1996. The behavioural sentinel surveillance was originally carried out by the University of Indonesia, with the support of Family Health International under a grant provided by USAID. In 2002, the system was taken over by a team led by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Surveys were implemented by the Indonesian Bureau of Statistics with the help of NGOs and with technical support from Family Health International, and funded by USAID under a memorandum of understanding which explicitly allows data to be made available for the purposes of planning and evaluating HIV-related interventions. Two rounds of surveillance were carried out under this MOU. In 2002/2003, the team covered only female sex workers and groups of highly mobile men (10 cities). Surveys among male and transgender sex workers, gay men and drug injectors were carried out by University of Indonesia/FHI. In 2004, the government team covered all groups, with data from 15 cities. Variables cover demographic details, sexual and drug taking behaviour, knowledge of HIV, risk perception, contact with HIV prevention and STI care services and use of services. Users particularly interested in data from other groups, including male and transgender sex workers, gay men and drug injectors may contact the owner of this Dataverse. However these data sets have not been so well documented, and some of the documentation is only available in Indonesian. This dataset can be accessed on the Harvard Dataverse by going to

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